
Pour célébrer 70 ans d’histoire, la Fondation Symphonie N-B lance une levée de fonds
Marking a major milestone with an ambitious campaign for the next 70 years.

Symphonie Nouveau-Brunswick débute sa saison devant public
Symphony New Brunswick will reach deep into the resilience of its musicians and our music history to present a 2020-2021 season for you!

Symphonie NB Announce une nouvelle embauche
Gillian Gresh is a driving force in philanthropy and events, Gillian bringing over nine years of experience to Symphony NB.

La Fondation annonce la nomination d’un nouveau membre du conseil d’administration
Reid Parker, president of Symphony New Brunswick Foundation Inc./La Fondation Symphonique Nouveau-Brunswick Inc., is pleased to announce the appointment of Derek G. Pannell to the Foundation’s Board of Directors.